Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sisters. I deeply dislike.

I can't judge her. I can't get angry. She's holding one above me. I can't get angry. And I can't get hurt. I don't know what the seniors are studying.. So my sister: Do you even talk to anybody? Don't you have friends? Omg =.= I know she's just doing to be hateful, I know what she's doing so I can't get hurt. There.. Her claims are ridiculous.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Monday, April 2, 2012

What am I doing there?

Why did I go to James Ruse? Was it prove my worth to my family - I could enter an 'elite'school? Was it for the academics? Was it for the friends, the extra - curricular activities? The last two definitely aren't true. Well, what have I accomplished at this school? I've been trying to think, but no matter how I ponder, I can't find any answer.

Sunday, April 1, 2012